
Year 1

Brief 1: Translate

The brief for this project is to create a manifesto:
A written statement to publicly declare intentions, motives, or beliefs. From the Latin manifestus — to manifest, to clearly reveal, to make real.
“A manifesto is a short document that ‘manifests’ or makes public a set of ideas and goals. A manifesto is passionate, personal and vivid.”-–Ellen & Julia Lupton.
I decided to do the manifesto on myself, to set out my own ideas and goals for my work.
To view this project click here. 

Brief 2: Identity

This brief is all about identity of places. My task is to think about place and make an identity proposal or a reaction to something I feel is wrong or misrepresented, or simply requires change in that place.
“Identifying a ‘Sense of Place’ is the interaction between person and place…[and]…depends on spatial form and quality, culture, temperament, status, experience and current purpose of the observer.” – Lynch, K., A Theory of Good City Form
To view this project click here.
Brief 3: Move

This brief is about designing work that visulally interprets sound. Responding to a catalog of 10 songs I have created 6 final responses from album work to type work and illustrated animations.

"Design is ofte not about self-expression...its actually finding clever ways to articulate somebody elses message" - Peter Saville

To view this project click here.
