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Font Development

After the workshop, I went away and made each letter of the alphabet in the style of the font that I had chosen to develop.  To make l owercase letters I would reduce the sizes of the font to allow but they wo uld remain visually identical. I would reduce the size by 25% , while maintaing the aspect-rat io. The name of my second blog is Walker Design I then decided to present the font as a poster and include a few illustrations. I wanted the illustrations to reflect the simplicity of the font itself which is why I have tried to keep th em un-complicated as possible, using only three colours and little detail. I started by dragging each font onto the blank canvas and resizing them to fit. Then I ordered them correctly and duplicated some to make my title and credit at the bottom. Once I was happy with the layout I used the line tool to create the black roads and the grid tool and brush tool to create the markers on t...

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